Comparing nullable columns in Squeryl
How to compare nullable columns in Squeryl
Suppose we have a table definition like this:
case class T1 ( id: Int, col1: Option[Int] ) object FooDb extends Schema { val t1 = table[T1]("t1") }
And, we want to execute a query like the following:
select * from t1 where col1 < 10
The correct statement in Squeryl is shown below:
from(FooDb.t1)( t1 => where(t1.col1 lt Some(10)) select(t1) )
This isn’t very intuitive, and actually, it took me a lot of time to get to this answer.
Here are some that I tried and failed
The most intuitive one doesn’t compile:
where(t1.col1 lt 10) // -> doesn't compile
This one causes NoSuchElementException:
where(t1.col1.get lt 10) // -> NoSuchElementException
Another one that causes NoSuchElementException:
where( lt 10).get) // -> NoSuchElementException
Official site should have example
I’ve found some guys that were having the same issue:
- Squeryl: how to compare Option[T] objects in where clause?
I think the Squeryl web site should have an example that uses nullable column in the where clause.